1.Arguments returned are pushed in the same order; the first returned value is at the bottom, and the last returned value is at the top.
2.Like Harry, Neville has had high expectations placed on him (by his grandmother), although they are not, of course, of the same order.
3.Horizontal and vertical lines, when used in combination, communicate the same order and sense of calm that they evoke inpidually.
4.Hashes do not keep the entered items in the same order as they were entered. Hash variables always start with the % sign.
5.You ll notice that you might not get all the replies back in the same order that they were sent.
6.Languages should be redesigned in roughly the same order as you would present the language to a new user.
7.The next H lines must list the basin labels for each of the cells, in the same order as they appear in the input.
8.The fluctuations are of the same order around the mean during the dynamic condition.
9.All cards must be in the same order both at the beginning and at the end of the routine.
10.The argument values are positional and must be supplied in the same order as the corresponding parameters in the method declaration.